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Current Vacancies

Innovation is in our blood - 25 years of VoIP



Who we are

Snom is a pioneer in the field of business VoIP telephony. Part of the VTech group since 2016, we offer a broad spectrum of products globally. Our customers have benefitted from 25 years of first class, innovative, top performing products ranging from desk phones through mobile DECT devices to advanced conferencing solutions.

Snom employees are as diverse as their interests: something we believe really contributes to our success!

Tita & Simon

Katharina & Jim

Anamul & Robert

Want to see more Snom? Watch the Grand VoIP Company film!

Our premium range of products make a valuable contribution to the success of millions of our business customers around the world and we are constantly striving to make communication faster, easier and better.


About Snom





How we work


We place a great deal of importance on maintaining a workplace in which everyone is valued, respected and challenged. Our aim is to ensure that everyone at Snom gets all the training and support they need to do the best possible job they can.

New recruits are helped by all to become a part of the Snom family so they can quickly find their feet in a fast moving environment where we see our work as a team sport. If you want to become a part of our team and help to inspire us with your ideas, then why not apply for one of our current vacancies? If no suitable vacancy is shown, please feel free to send us your application anyway. We look forward to meeting you!


How we work

What others are saying about us



Find a Snom Reseller

Snom professional VoIP products are sold exclusively through accredited Snom partners. Contact your local Snom Sales representative to find a reseller near you.

Contact us

Become a Snom Partner

All value-added resellers and service providers who wish to sell and install Snom products are invited to register.
